Planter Insights
Discover expert tips, industry trends, and inspiring ideas for creating stunning commercial outdoor spaces with custom planters. Whether you're a landscape contractor, architect, or designer, you’ll find insights that will help you make informed decisions and elevate your projects.
Large Outdoor Planters: The Ultimate Buying Guide
Large outdoor planters are highly versatile and deliver many stunning benefits to landscape design plans. However, selecting the right large commercial planter for your project will involve several decisions, including budgetary considerations. That’s why the experts at PureModern have put together this visually inspiring use-case buyer’s guide.
Modern Compact Fire Tables Highlight Outdoor Sitting Areas
Nothing punctuates a home’s aesthetic quite like a welcoming, inviting backyard. With today’s design fundamentals revolving around modernity, a home’s outdoor living area should give off the immediate impression of being open, vibrant, and eye-catching.
Courtyard Finishing Secrets: Add a Courtyard Fire Pit
Want to give your courtyard a fun and lively twist? If so, you are going to love having a Dreambowl Fire Pit. Adding a Dreambowl Fire Pit to your courtyard will instantly give it an intimate feel and make you want to spend more time outdoors.
Modern Square Fire Tables Help Maximize Outdoor Space
At PureModern, we specialize in planters, furniture, decor, fire tables, kitchen/dining products and more. Our decor elements bring a space to life through various pieces, such as our Modern Square Fire Tables. If you are in search of a product that will refresh your space and provide a unique atmosphere, see below.